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1) A research on the complementarity of Korea and Mongolia from the perspective of ‘economic security’: ‘경제 안보’ 관점에서 본 한국과 몽골의 상호보완성 연구
Kim, Sun Ho, 2024, New Asia Research Institute vol.31, no.1, 통권 118호 pp. 51-75 (25 pages)
2) Diagnosis of the transregional cooperation among the Korea Taiwan and Mongolia
: 韓國、臺灣和蒙古跨區域合作診斷
Kim, Sun Ho, 2023, July. 31, "歐亞硏究" (Eurasian Studies Quarterly)
3) Research on the role of ‘The Chinese Association for Unification’ for the chinese Migration
and Settlement in the ‘Alcobendas’ Area, Madrid, Spain
Kim, Sun Ho, 2014, The Korean Journal of Area Studies Vol. 32, No. 2, p.33-61
Kim, Sun Ho, 2013, Institute for Historical and Philological Studies of China's Western Regions, Renmin University of China, No. 6, p.273-277, Shen Weirong, Editor-in Chief
4) Eine kurze Analyse zur Verbesserung der sozioökonomisechen Kooperationen zwischen Korea und der Mongolei-Im Bereich der "Green Energy Industry" und " Migration", Beijing, China
we got an amazing news!
Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia has published with Peter Lang on March.
You can see the detailes and make purchase here▼
1.“Die Entwicklungen der politischen Beziehungen zwischen
der Mongolischen Volksrepublik und der Volksrepublik China: 1952~1989
ISBN 3889101100
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